Poetry in Pictures is always working, Making life, a hardening thing, more tempered. Pollyann in chains, while reconnoitering a large group of people. I’ll find a faraway corner. I’ll start using my anti-anxiety. I’ve started volunteering at the co-op
Author Archives: Ross Dickinson
New Year’s Day 2023
The three-quarters of a century of knowledge accumulation and survival equipped me for today. I’m living a life of contemplation and learning. I’m still at it, it’s why we are here. What took so long?
Alzheimer’s: Understanding the concept and accepting and changing the process.
Overwhelming News Don’t become subsequent, stay primary. Become involved! Give back Journaling, last few years, baseline?
October 25, 2022 I’m a reflective, philosophical soul. Aging like rare cheese with flavor Complexities to savor and learn. My beliefs are learning first, Which gives you the grit it takes, Called Hard Knocks lessons. As I reflect, the sense of self Is important for my daily mantra. If it’s to be it’s up to …
The worst fear growing older Is loss of driving mobility. I’m sad to say I revoked My license to drive the camper. I’ll continue to make tough decisions. 10/19/22 The need for the choice was evident. I made the decision. The worst part of the diagnosis Is losing your sense of self in the perceived …
I’m a pondering person brain and wit razor sharp. both alone and with somebody. Do I forget to do somethings? A solid yes there. 10/27/22 Never in a hurry. Ruminating my cud. Synonyms for ruminateSynonyms chew over, cogitate, consider, contemplate, debate, deliberate, entertain, eye, kick around, meditate, mull (over), perpend, ponder, pore (over), question, revolve, …
October 11, 2022 I read a lot and retain a lot. Always walking in the shadows of knowledge. I finally have a webinar on Alzheimer’s and Dementia this Friday the 14th. October 13, 2022 Today in the Herald, “Beth Mastel-Smith’s goal is to ensure Baker County residents who have dementia can live independently for as long as feasible …
Daily Dribble
October 8, 2022 We got out and about today. There was a tour of artist’s facilities and a good chance for selecting the artists I want to get to know and going to their turf and meeting them. Then it was Taste of Baker City evening. I’ve had some problems with my web stuff. One …
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A dawn before the end of time.