Dementia Friendly Communities

Dementia Friendly Communities Dementia is a progressive neurological disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities, including memory, language, and problem-solving. As the disease progresses, it can lead to a loss of independence and an increased need for care. As a result, it is essential …

Just a little peek, won’t hurt anything! much?

Pandora – John William Waterhouse The painting “Pandora” was created by John William Waterhouse. It depicts the mythological figure Pandora holding a box that she was warned not to open. Created by order of Zeus to introduce all evil into the lives of men. The painting is done in the Pre-Raphaelite style and features intricate …

Exploring Augmented Reality and AI

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly on the go, always rushing from one task to the next with no time to catch your breath? Maybe you feel like your mind is always racing, filled with endless to-do lists and worries. If this sounds like you, it’s time to consider adding meditation to your daily …

Removing the social stigma of dementia – One Brick at a time.

Click me Dementia Action Alliance October 11, 2022 I read a lot and retain a lot. Always walking in the shadows of knowledge. I finally have a webinar on Alzheimer’s and Dementia this Friday the 14th. October 13, 2022 Today in the Herald, “Beth Mastel-Smith’s goal is to ensure Baker County residents who have dementia can live independently …

Novel Idea

Think about it. Baker City, Unwelcome Wagon. I’m a 5th generation Oregonian, whose parents’ families both traveled to Oregon in different wagon trains, settling in separate regions. As a native Oregonian, I was surprised by getting lumped with the Californians when I moved here. Tom McCall made an impression of Oregon that lives today. It …

New supportive focus

I am fortunate to have been appointed to manage a Facebook group, Dementia Friendly Baker County. It an opportunity to give back to the community. I was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment with no roadmap of what to expect along the way. I’m still very actively learning new things. Use it before you lose it, …

Images by Ross Dickinson ©

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