New supportive focus

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I am fortunate to have been appointed to manage a Facebook group, Dementia Friendly Baker County. It an opportunity to give back to the community. I was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment with no roadmap of what to expect along the way. I'm still very actively learning new things. Use it before you lose it, and that is my mission: to see how long I can be a contributor. A great way to test some of the skills I've picked along my RoL, mostly getting acquainted with the community.

I recently started reading the book, "Dementia-Friendly Communities, Why We Need Them and How We Can Create Them", by Susan H. McFadden, PhD. A book to read and ponder.

Sustaining Dignity, 
Hope, and Meaning in 
the Time of Dementia

This is our mission. It will take all of us to make this happen. It is not a question of if this will affect you. It is a question of when. Let's make EoL easier for us ALL.

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