Novel Idea

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Think about it. Baker City, Unwelcome Wagon. I'm a 5th generation Oregonian, whose parents' families both traveled to Oregon in different wagon trains, settling in separate regions. As a native Oregonian, I was surprised by getting lumped with the Californians when I moved here. Tom McCall made an impression of Oregon that lives today. It hurts when it happens to you. As we work towards a Dementia Friendly Baker County, we need to be aware of the effect that has on the newcomers, gnomes. At the meetings I am attending, we are still segregating ourselves. Which am I:  Outsider or worthy member of the community? We are all in this for the long haul, EoL, with a variety of different bumps to be solve along the way. It behooves us to help the other in every way possible.

I think it is time to talk about how we can all work together on a common cause. If we do not talk to each other the synergy of many views of many working together is lost.
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