Learning to use the blog

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Well now. I finally got my website reworked in The Turning Gate’s Backlight and Pages. Using Backlight is much easier and intuitive to use than their CE3 interface with Lighroom. Now it is time to start working my way though the pictures that Mary (my late wife) and I took on our many travels. I stopped having enough time to keep up with my web developing hobby when I retired and we bought a fishing boat. We both had fun fishing at Odell Lake in June of each year. I’ll go one last time in June of 2017, we already paid for the whole month. I’m encouraging my friends to come up and fish with me. I’m going to have the boat professionally detailed after that trip, and sell the boat before the Fall Chinook Season.

Currently, I’m doing a fair job of eBaying Mary’s collections of QVC jewelry, watches, purses. Once I get things liquidated and the house cleaned, I plan on selling our house and relocating to Eugene. I plan on setting up a matting and framing room here before I move and take the equipment with me when I move. I plan on selling matted/framed pictures and my greeting cards at the Eugene Saturday Market.

Enough for now. I need to go through another day of our week in the Tetons in 2012. The pictures are source of happy memories for me. I hadn’t been creating new, but was focused on moving previously share times into the new software and now that is DONE!


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Images by Ross Dickinson ©

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