Synopsis – Purposeful sharing

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A synopsis is a type of summary. In my case I'm going to attempt a synopsis of my life without delving into words with negative connotations and describing events as trauma, rather than abuse. My life has been long and packed with lessons which I cherish. It is those lessons that have shaped who am I today.
Yes, there was a moderate amount of trauma in my immediate family while I was growing up. My extended family provided much of the nurturing a child needs to survive. I have managed to forgive the trauma, realizing after many decades the many positives I received from the trauma provider. I am very grateful for who I have become. Thank you, Mom.

I am prepared to continue my life journey, free of the encumbrances that have been with me for my lifetime, especially alcohol. 

Dementia-ed. I'm not contagious, nor courageous, I AM: Choosing to walk a public walk. 

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Images by Ross Dickinson ©

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