Baker City Farmers’ Market

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A new location and day are big changes. I’m hoping for a banner held between pieces of working equipment on the lot for the Baker Garage. I would think would serve as an invitation to Baker City, add a large American Flag. Just a dream. The change of location provides a freshness that is exciting with possibilities. The way we set up the pattern for the market (veggies get grass) should draw shoppers into market area. Always the Dreamer!

One of the fund-raising events this year is “Turnip the Beet.” I reached out to the Director of The Beat Goes On Marching Band, pointing out the synergy of the two names and asking him to brainstorm. One of the twirlers in the band organized an event in Maupin utilizing some of the talents at local events in more remote areas of Oregon. This band performed at my late-wife’s funeral. Always the Dreamer. Any question and comments are welcome!

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Images by Ross Dickinson ©

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