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I have been living the “Images by Ross Dickinson dream for a couple of decades. I have accumulated lots of equipment, cameras, lenses, quality printers and experience. I already developed a website shopping cart capable. My experience with Farmers’ Market broadened my views. I’m now setting up a WordPress site for the sale of my Art.

I have a new dream, “Artisan Aerie” complete with an upcoming web presence which will be selling “Images by Ross Dickinson” artwork. As an LLL (Life Long Learner) my skill set is wide. I led Spectra-Physics, now DataLogic, into the internet age.

In a way it is just a continuation of the same dream, just modified. I secured a few domains names during the internet boom of the 1990s. One of them was, simply stated “fortuitous dot com.” That was my earliest attempt to develop a sharing style. If you visit that early site, you will see my philosophy of life. I was dreaming of group marketing with other fortuitus business owners. In early June of this year, the name Artisan Aerie came to mind. I looked, was available. I grabbed it. The business name of Artisan Aerie was available. Grabbed it too. It must be another one of the 42itus bounces in my life. I’m excited. A definite fourth chapter sparkle of life, compelling.

The 42ItUs Philosophy focuses on finding the pluses in the events which occur as one travels through life. Those events may or may not be accidental, but they each have their own silver lining. Find and Focus. This is a learning focused life path-journey. I eschew money as a motivator, preferring learning and sharing. I’m definitely an Introverted extrovert. The two-year hibernation during covid gave a lot of strokes to my introverted personality. The extrovert is still intact and needs to get in shape. Going out has become difficult for me. UHMMMM. The new “42itus bounce” needs the extrovert for many of the tasks.

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Images by Ross Dickinson ©

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